Wednesday 7 January 2015

My 2015 Goals

Hello everyone, I apologize for not blogging in a while; maybe even since the summer! Today I'm going to be telling you about a few of the goals I have set myself for 2015:

• This year i would like to study more for tests ready for my exams ahead of me , i don't enjoy revising but I'm going to try and make it fun somehow ! 
• I would like to exercise more , I'm going to try harder this year by going jogging with my mum aswell as going to dance every saturday.
• I would like to eat healthy , typical goal for the year ahead that never gets achieved haha , i used to drink smoothies alot as i know they're super healthy and its something i enjoy so i will start making those again 
• Get flexible ! I would love to be able to do the splits or something by the end of this year .
• Meet as many as my youtube friends as i can , i am determined to plan everything for the summer so i can meet everyone :) ! 

What are your goals this year? 

Tip: Don't set yourself too many goals because it means you are less likely to achieve them :) 

Megan x

1 comment:

  1. My main goal is to try to become more organised and do homework in advance haha x
